( Telephone - 203 777-2900 or 203 453-1859; Fax 203 453-1864
Your phone call is automatically forwarded to the office location we are in. We can help you with clinical matters, appointments and billing concerns. All messages you leave on our machine will usually be returned the same day and always by the next business day.
Medical Urgency or Emergency After Hours:
If you have a medical urgency, please do not leave a message. Instead, hold until the answering Service comes on line to take your information and arrange for the on-call physicaian to return your call. If the answering service does not pick up, please call the Answering Service directly at 203 931-6350 - -
Strong Women's Health is Account #6350
- Mailing Addresses
669 Boston Post Road, Suite 4 Guilford, CT 06437-2732
(Click Here for Directions and Map)
New Haven:
46 Prince Street, Suite 401 New Haven, CT 06519-1600
(Click Here for Directions and Map)
Scan code at right with your phone to electronically add our information to your phone's contact list.
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 8 am - 5 pm; Friday 8 am - 12 noon
: Send us a SECURE message through our Portal - better than email ! Your message will be
addressed on the next business day.
Office email address is info@strongwomenshealth.com. We suggest that you not include any personal information or identifying numbers on materials sent through routine email.